An academic unit is a college, school, academic department, or interdisciplinary academic program unit (which will offer courses and programs).
Refer to the Standard Approval Process Flowchart to see which approvals are required for university governance reviews.

Changes to Academic Units

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  • Changing the Name of an Existing Academic Unit

    To propose changing the name of an existing academic unit, you need to prepare a proposal outside of the CIM system. 

    Follow the Faculty Senate submission guidelines for non-curriculum proposals. Before you submit the proposal to the Faculty Senate, you will have to submit the proposal through your school governance process, the University Accreditation office, and Graduate Council (for academic units which house graduate programs or offer graduate courses). These steps should be done sequentially. Each will provide memos documenting the review and you will attach those memos to your proposal along with the Proposal Submission Form when you submit it to the Faculty Senate.

    ADPC (Academic Deans Policy Council) approval may be also be required, especially for a new school. This is usually determined by the Graduate School Dean, General Welfare Committee, or Provost.

    [NOTE: If you want to change the name of academic programs housed within the academic unit, you will also have to propose each program name change separately through the CIM system using the Program Change Proposal.]

  • Moving an Existing Academic Department or Interdisciplinary Program Unit to A Different School/College

    To propose moving an existing academic unit into a different school, you need to prepare a proposal outside of the CIM system. If any current faculty lines or academic programs will be affected by the move, you need to include that information in the proposal.

    Follow the Faculty Senate submission guidelines for non-curriculum proposals. Before you submit the proposal to the Faculty Senate, you will have to submit the proposal through the school governance processes for the current school as well as the school the unit is being moved into, the University Accreditation office, and Graduate Council (for academic units which house graduate programs or offer graduate courses). These steps should be done sequentially. Each will provide memos documenting the review and you will attach those memos to your proposal along with the Proposal Submission Form when you submit it to the Faculty Senate.

    ADPC (Academic Deans Policy Council) approval may be also be required. This is usually determined by the Graduate School Dean, General Welfare Committee or Provost.

    [NOTE: If you want to move the academic programs housed within the academic unit, you will also have to propose each program change separately through the CIM system using the Program Change Proposal. ]

  • Merging Existing Academic Units

    To propose merging existing academic units, you need to prepare a proposal outside of the CIM system. Include information on the current faculty lines or academic programs that will be moving into the merged unit.

    Follow the Faculty Senate submission guidelines for non-curriculum proposals. Before you submit the proposal to the Faculty Senate, you will have to submit the proposal through the school governance process (if multiple schools are involved in the merger, then approval will be required from both), the University Accreditation office, and Graduate Council (for academic units which house graduate programs or offer graduate courses). These steps should be done sequentially. Each will provide memos documenting the review and you will attach those memos to your proposal along with the Proposal Submission Form

    ADPC (Academic Deans Policy Council) approval may be also be required. This is usually determined by the Graduate School Dean, General Welfare Committee or Provost.

    [NOTE: If you want to move the academic programs housed in on of the academic units into the other academic unit, you will also have to propose each program change separately through the CIM system using the Program Change Proposal. If you plan to offer new programs in the merged unit, you must propose each program separately using the New Program Proposal.]

  • Merging Existing Academic Units into A New Academic Unit

    To propose merging existing academic units into a new academic unit, you need to prepare a proposal outside of the CIM system. Include information on the current faculty lines or academic programs that will be moving into the new unit.

    Follow the Faculty Senate submission guidelines for non-curriculum proposals. Before you submit the proposal to the Faculty Senate, you will have to submit the proposal through the school governance process (if multiple schools are involved in the merger, then approval will be required from both), the University Accreditation office, and Graduate Council (for academic units which house graduate programs or offer graduate courses). These steps should be done sequentially. Each will provide memos documenting the review and you will attach those memos to your proposal along with the Proposal Submission Form

    ADPC (Academic Deans Policy Council) approval likely be required as well. This is usually determined by the Graduate School Dean, General Welfare Committee or Provost.

    [NOTE: If you want to move the academic programs housed in the existing academic units into the new unit, you will also have to propose each program change separately through the CIM system using the Program Change Proposal. If the unit merger will result in program mergers as well, you may have to close the existing programs and propose new programs. Contact Patty Murphy for assistance.]
