Administrative Assessment

Excellence ⇒  Striving to accomplish our goals with quality, rigor, passion, and distinction.

Creativity ⇒  Embracing innovation, flexibility, and originality in the pursuit of our vision and mission.

From UM's DIRRECT Values

The University of Miami is committed to continuous improvement and innovation. As President Frenk stated in his 2016 Town Hall Meetings, we strive to:

  • Do things better
  • Do things differently; and
  • Do different things.

To accomplish these aims, UM engages in a systematic planning and assessment process across administrative offices, educational and student services, and non-academic units such as the University's centers and institutes. The OAA oversees this process and works closely with these areas to develop meaningful assessment and improvement plans.

Each year in the early fall, administrative units submit an annual Program Assessment Report (PAR) to the OAA for review. The PAR includes the unit's mission statement, the unit's operational outcomes (and/or student learning outcomes, if appropriate), a description of the measures used to assess the outcomes, a summary of the results off assessment and improvements made as a result of assessment.

The following resources are available for administrators to support the University's administrative assessment process:

Assessment Resources

AA Report Template FY 2016-17 Use this template to complete your FY 2016-17 program assessment report
AA Plan FY 2017-18 Use this template to complete your assessment plan for FY 2017-18


Additional Resources

The OAA staff are available to consult with administrative unit staff regarding assessment design and reporting. Workshops are also conducted throughout the year. Below are some resources on Administrative Assessment from previous workshops:

Workshop Title
Clear and Systematic Administrative Assessment (Summer 2017 workshop) This presentation focuses on how to develop outcomes and assessment measures for planning your assessment as well as how to  summarize your assessment results and provide information on changes made as a result of assessment

 For assistance with administrative assessment, please contact Claudia Grigorescu.
